Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Beautiful Start To The New Year

For the last several weeks, I have been feeling like I am turning a corner.  I have been focusing on simply being present.  It's amazing how many times I catch myself wandering away from the present experience, and like a helium balloon, I retether myself and gently bring myself back without guilt or shame.  I notice and simply return.  

A few days ago, like many of us, I started to develop my list of new year resolutions.  I am working in the areas of creativity, connection, physical, intuition, writing, speaking, and coaching. 

A few days later, I was writing my morning pages (per the Artist's Way book I have been working through), and I decided to focus on the implications and benefits of simply being present.  I easily wrote three full pages!  The ink flowed freely from my pen as I was able to list many items in the short span of about 20 minutes.   I wrote things like:
  • I experience relationships at a deeper level
  • I enjoy my emotions and gain the full benefit of the information that is offered vs. trying to "control" my emotions
  • I am creative in the moment, and see more opportunities as well as multiple points of view
  • I devote my attention to one thing and am fully present to that experience
  • My dedication and commitment increase
  • I manage my health more proactively because I will be in tune with my body and more attentive to what I need
By the way, I originally wrote each one as "I will" ("I will be able to be creative...", etc...) and then crossed out to read "I am".   Each moment I can choose to "be" each and every one of those things.  I also looked back at my resolutions and discovered that I could fulfill my resolutions and even more with one simple discipline!

What a way to start the year!   Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

All the best!  Love, Mj


Anonymous,  January 15, 2009 at 2:48 PM  

Thanks for reminding me to keep focusing on the moment - I love the balloon analogy. I used to write morning pages and I think I will go back to writing them. I also like your idea of writing in the present tense about what I am creating.

Mojo January 15, 2009 at 4:27 PM  

Excellent! I'm glad to hear that you are familiar with morning pages and willing to go back to them. My writing has changed over the last several weeks and evolving as I keep it up. It has certainly helped me key into my intuition much more. Love, Mj


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