A Tribute to My Father
I would like to celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday with a tribute to my father. About the age that I am now, he made a significant change in his life. He and my mother both volunteered as team members on an alcoholism outreach team at our church. My father stayed on the team for over 25 years, and eventually became the team leader. He would spend many evenings and even "all nighters" working with families to help people get help for their condition. The ripple effects were enormous. He did a million little things, and that made all the difference in the lives of so many families, friends and coworkers.
He passed away about 10 years ago, and before he died he wanted to make sure that someone kept the team alive. No one was eager to take his place and I think he was disappointed that others could not see the importance of this work. In hindsight, I think my father did not understand that this work was his unique contribution of his purpose in this world. It was his soul's calling and his voice, not be to duplicated or imitated. When he was ready to leave this earth, his work was complete. The work would carry on, in a different form.
There is a saying that "Imitation is the highest form of compliment". I disagree. I believe that inspiration is the highest form of compliment. Our task is to be inspired by others to pick up our own baton, to walk in the world with our unique contribution. My father is still inspiring me, even today. Thanks, Dad. I love you.
My wish for you is that you know and live your own unique contribution! With much love and gratitude, Mj
Hi Marijo:
I am so happy to learn about your blog site. It is wonderful!
Now to comment on your thoughts: You make an important distinction, that to inspire is more empowering than to encourage imitation. I would add to this that sometimes until we get our own "divine inspiration" we can look to role models that embody what we aspire to be. Do this helps me to "attract in" the essence of what I want to create.
Thank you Jill! These are wise words and I appreciate your comments. In fact, it is helping me now with today's blog, so very timely too. Love, Mj
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