Monday, February 2, 2009

I Love Our Life

Today was one of those days that I will remember for a long time. I live within view of the ocean, and I often sit and watch the sunrise while I write my morning pages. Lately, I can feel the ocean. Yesterday, as we were leaving our town, I could feel the energy of the ocean slip away.

Today, it was nearly 50 degrees and sunny. I walked to the water and sat for about 30 minutes. I absorbed every detail of the scene through my eyes, my ears and my skin. The water was a deep blue, and was cresting as many as five waves at a time. My breath and my heart were synchronized to the pulse of the waves. The sound was deafening, especially to these ears that are so tuned to complete silence. I could see the curve of the earth in the distance. The smell of the salt air helped me remember why I love living here. A small white boat silently and lazily chugged across the waves to the entrance of the river. It was so peaceful and was truly paradise. I could have sat there for hours.

I walked to the boardwalk and finished my walk. Normally in the winter, there are one or two people on each block. Today, everyone came out to play and the smiles were from ear to ear. I live in a town that is 55,000 during July and August, and only 5000 during the other months of the year. During the winter, we all know that we belong here and it is like living in Mayberry. The pace is slower, the small talk is friendly and there is a levity that reigns over everything. People who live on the beach all year are connected to nature.

I am looking forward to taking long walks on the boardwalk with my husband, my soulmate. He had some injections in his knee and is able to walk longer distances. I look forward to the weekends that we share these moments together, hand in hand.

Time for me to fix dinner and enjoy a quiet and peaceful end to this day!

With much love and gratitude, Mj


Anonymous,  February 3, 2009 at 12:48 AM  

It sounds like a wonderful place to live. What do you mean by "morning pages"? Is it like the morning pages from the Artist's Way?

ProBusinessPinko February 3, 2009 at 1:47 AM  

I am gearing up for a post somewhere, a blog, an e-mail blast - the format is not important. But I'm getting ready to publicly reveal what I have been working on for the past few years - ME. I have been working at simplifying my life. There is still work left to do, but I feel good about my progress. I realized I didn't want to chase the goals of the corporate world anymore. I don't want more money a bigger car or house or big screen TV, as much fun as it might be to have one. I found a job that pays me less than half of what I was making in my peak earning years from 2000 - 2005, and less than at any time since the early 90s. I get in at 9:00 and generally leave no later than 5:30. No nights, weekends or out of state travel. I'm generally home by 6:00. Money's tight, no question. We have considered selling the house and trading down. I don't think we'll actually have to do it, but frankly, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if we had to. I am exercising more regularly, but I still need to lose weight. I'm not perfect, but I'm working on the big issues. I turned down a job that would have paid me a minimum of $30K more per year, up to $45K more depending on the bonus I could have earned. I also would have been commuting roughly 2.5 to 3 hours daily round trip, with longer days and some weekends, for sure. Instead I'm doing work I like, with people I like, for a cause I believe in, just 6 miles from home (instead of 50). I can do this. More later. - Brian

Mojo February 3, 2009 at 8:39 AM  

Hello Kathy - yes, it is the Artist's Way. I am going through this book with my sister and a friend. Have you used this book yourself, and if so, how did you like it? What changes came out of it for you? Love, Mj

Mojo February 3, 2009 at 8:44 AM  

Hello Brian - thanks for checking in! Congratulations! "Stuff" is nice and bills need to be paid, but it doesn't replace the feeling of living a balanced life that is full of meaning. I am thrilled to hear that you are doing so well, my friend. Love, Mj

Anonymous,  February 3, 2009 at 6:11 PM write beautifully! I got tears in my eyes as I read this one! We sure are lucky to live here. The winter is my favorite time here at the shore! Many blessings to you...see you soon...
Kari Stewart (Simply Massage)

Anonymous,  February 4, 2009 at 10:06 AM  

I was directed to your blog by way of the February Simply Massage newsletter. I must say, you are truly an inspiration and I look forward to reading more about your journey.


Mojo February 4, 2009 at 1:14 PM  

Kari and Deborah - thank you for reading and posting! It is such a great community to live in here on the ocean, and a way of life that is definitely conducive to this journey! I love that you are in my life and look forward to more!

Love, Mj


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