From a Distance
I feel like a big sponge right now, I am absorbing so much that I am reading right now. I have woefully neglected my blogging duties because I have been reading so much. I sit and read pretty much from 9 am until 6 pm every day. My ever enlarging butt is reflective of that fact right now ;-)
I did start Qigong today (thank you Damian for the introduction) and I love it! I bought the Spring Forest Qigong kit developed by Chunyi Lin from Learning Strategies in Minnestota. In fact, I used to live about 2 miles from this place, and could have taken lessons directly from Master Lin. Oh well. I love the materials and how I feel, even after my first session.
I have started using the NeuroProgrammer software that I purchased, and have been doing meditation daily. I am using the Theta 50 minute program with the introduction script. During the sessions, I am feeling open and receptive and much of what I am reading is floating through with deeper and deeper insights. Now, after a few days, I am finding that my mind is floating into those same insights easily without the program.
I also started reading "The Intention Experiment" by Lynne McTaggert this morning. I got to page 8 and I started shaking. So many experiences in my life suddenly made sense in an instant.
"One of the strangest aspects of quantum physics is a feature called "nonlocality", also poetically referred to as "quantum entanglement". The Danish physicist Niels Bohr discovered that once subatomic particles such as electrons or photons are in contact, they remain cognizant of and influenced by each other instantaneously over any distance forever...Albert Eistein refused to accept nonlocality, referring to it disparagingly as "spooky action at a distance". (pg. 8).
In my life, I have experienced times where I seem to be connected to another person, even when they are hundreds or thousands of miles away. For example: several years ago, a coworker friend came to mind on a Saturday at 3 pm. I got the impression that he was having a health problem, that something small in his abdomen was giving him problems. I also felt queasy like I ate something greasy. On Tuesday, about 2:30 I got the same thing again. Wednesday, I was back in the office and he wasn't there. Someone mentioned that he was ill, so I called him to find out how he was doing. He said he was away over the weekend (about 300 miles away) and on Saturday about 3 pm he had severe stomach problems. He went to the emergency room, where they diagnosed that he was having problems with his gall bladder, and had another attack on Tuesday about 2:30 pm.
I have had many experiences like this over the years, and this is one of the clearest examples of what I experienced. Reading this book has given me insight on those experiences, at the level of quantum physics.
In all this reading and for most of my life, I have been putting together patterns. I envision a large circle that I am traveling counter clockwise. On this circle are many things - Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, brain physiology and research, psychology, medicine, emotional intelligence, adult development, business and commerce, organizational development, heart coherence (Heartmath), yoga, medical intuition, energy healing, chakras, Reiki, Qigong, gnosis, "New Age" spirituality, meditation, mystics, shamanism, intention, relationships, past life regression, quantum physics, statistics and mathematics, music theory, time/space continuum, psychic energy, auras... the list could go on.
The only thing I seem to be missing is "Rolfing". ;-)
I call this the "everything is everything" model. My journey has been traveling this circle and making deeper and deeper revolutions, like a spiral. At the heart of all of this are several core concepts:
- Energy is the fundamental link to all of them
- Love and compassion (i.e., love in motion) are the purest forms of energy
- Everything, at the atomic level, is "alive", and we as energetic human beings, participate fully in that life
- We are creators and at the same time, we are equal to all life forms - we have a role to play, just as every creature and element has a role
- There is an order that we impose on our reality
- What we experience as reality is only one form of reality, there are many more available to us, including life before we arrive here and after (to whence we came)
- We are pure energy that slows down our vibration to appear in solid form; the less dense and higher vibration we experience in our emotion, the fuller our experience is of life
- We really are all One
Isn't this a sweet life?
Okay, I am off to the gym to manage that "butt expansion program" and expend a little energy that way for a while.
With immense love and gratitude.... Have an awesome day! Mj
Hey MJ,
How do you handle the emotional aspect of nonlocality? I think experiencing that sense of knowing makes me feel closer to the person. But, if the person is not having the same experience with me (or not as aware of it) they don't have the same sense of connection. I have experienced this imbalance in friendships and with Lovers. Like I am in a zone that does not exist for them.
For example, a few years ago a friend of mine was on the brink of divorce. We lived in different cities (about 600 miles apart) and she hadn't told me she was having problems. But, I had a dream which stayed with me when i woke up one morning. That is usually a signal that the dream has real meaning. I called to ask if everything was ok and she said yes. But it still didn't seem right. About 2 months later she told me they were splitting and that when I called she just wasn't ready to tell anyone. Apparently, they had had a big fight the day before and that was the first time the idea of divorce came up. It freaked her out that I knew something was wrong.
On my end, I knew she was witholding and it was hard to experience. It's like the connection gets disrupted. For those 2 months I was hurt whenever I thought of her.
Do you ever have that kind of reaction? My grandmother used to say I was an old soul. But, I have felt like a true newbie because connecting seems to hurt more than it should. Now, that might be a result of my chaotic childhood, and until my late 30s I just assumed as much. But I think it is more than that.
Anyway, I'm interested in your thoughts.
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