Theta Brainwave Entrainment
A few weeks ago, I purchased the Neuro-Programmer 2 software after reading the website and other resources that I have been discovering. I am very impressed with the functionality and options in this program. I have been using the 50 min Theta Alternating Hypnotic Deep Relax session with a brief introductory script to help me relax. After using this for a few times, I can skip the relaxation script.
My theta experiences may have been "tainted" with the experiences that I have had over the last few weekends. I learned Quantum Touch, became an Adept with the Rocky Mountain Mystery School, received my Reiki Level II attunement, and attended a Barbara Brennan Fundamentals workshop. Each of these experiences have helped me learn how to "run energy" and/or increased my capacity to hold more energy over matter. On the other hand, I feel that the theta brainwave entrainment helped me experience these weekends at a deeper level. Here are some changes that I noticed overall.
Sleeping - I am much more active in my dreams and sleeping much lighter which suggests that I am spending more sleeping time in theta. Prior to using this program, I was a pretty sound sleeper and it was typical for me to sleep through the night. Now, I often wake every 45 to 90 minutes and am a bit more tired in the morning. When I was sleeping deeper, I would wake up very fresh and ready for the day.
Dreaming - As I mentioned, I am dreaming more often and thankfully not nightmares or weird dreams. They have seemed rather normal and often relate to what I experienced the day before.
Mental State - I have noticed that I feel much more "even" and peaceful and loving it! I only remember once having a "cranky pants" moment since I started using this programmer (although in all fairness I ought to confirm that with my hubby!) I seem to take a lot more things in stride and feel much happier all around. My thinking has slowed down but not at a pace that it has caused me any concern. My thoughts are clearer and my ability to stay in the present moment is easier to maintain.
Meditation - It is much easier for me to slip into a meditation state, although I do have "monkey mind" from time to time. In some meditations, I drift off not into sleep but it feels like awake dreaming. I am semi conscious but I am clearly off somewhere else and not fully present to the room. I have also had a much easier time visualizing and downloading messages from my guides. My meditations have felt much more relaxing and productive.A few weeks ago, I was on mission to create some meditations for myself. I used some content from Nikki Cobb's "Your Divine Heritage" book which explains how to access our Higher Self states of consciousness. I used music that was specifically designed for theta wave states from Dr. Jeffery Thompson or Reiki music. I also used the theta brainwave entrainment sounds underlying the tracks to encourage theta waves. I have asked a few friends to try these meditations and provide feedback. If you are interested, please contact me and I can arrange to send you copies. I will use your feedback to create a final version.
With much love and gratitude, Mj XOXO
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