Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Many Sides of Brainwaves

In this post, I will provide some general information on different brainwave states. In my next post, I will share how I have been working with these states.

We all have five general brainwaves that function all the time, and at any moment we have a predominant wave pattern based upon our activity level. Here are the brain waves and their characteristics, and are ordered in the most frequent patterns that we usually experience:

Beta - Active and alert, thinking, analyzing, applying logic, organizing; "high" beta is experienced as stressful

Alpha - Relaxed, calm, awake, conscious; positive frame of mind, stillness. It is also the period immediately before sleep

Theta - Dreaming stage of sleep. Also experienced as “flow”, “synchronicity”. Associated with advanced intuition, creativity, strong emotional connection. Typically more present in women, children, animals

Delta - Deep, restorative sleep (DHEA, melatonin) without dreams. Also associated with advanced meditation bliss

Gamma - Compassion, happiness, increased mental abilities and focus; perception of consciousness ("we are one")

In many ways, our society and culture encourage beta brain wave development, and in particular, "high" beta (stress). Some people complain that they "can't shut their brains off". Beta is not "bad", but too much of anything is not healthy. There are ways that we can encourage the development of each of these states. The optimum state is balance, and too much of one wave can cause difficulty. To help encourage the different brainwave states, here are some suggestions:

Beta - Use low frequency brainwave entrainment, take deep breaths and be "present"

Alpha - Close your eyes and look up; focus on your breath, be “present”. Meditate, daydream, use your imagination, visualize. Use brainwave entrainment

Theta - Use meditation and/or hypnosis. Participate in yoga, art, music. Use brainwave entrainment. Use creative visualization (e.g., visual scenes, scenarios). Focus on feelings of appreciation. Participate in *voluntary* exercise ("have to" exercise does not trigger theta waves); participate in a repetitive activity such as Nintendo

Delta - Get a full night of sleep. Deep meditation discipline.

Gamma - Use brainwave entrainment; associated with advanced levels of meditation; hypnosis, yoga

In coaching, we encourage our clients to "pause" many times during the day. This simple action can encourage alpha and perhaps theta states. For many roles, alpha states are strongly encouraged and is often the calm feeling that you can get from leaders, coaches, therapists, clergy, etc. Alpha states help the leader or practitioner stay clear in their thinking and emotions.

In my next post, I will share my experiences of using the NeuroProgrammer 2 program. Until next time... with much love and gratitude Mj XOXO


Anonymous,  March 24, 2009 at 11:17 AM  

Hi Marijo,

liked your article on Briainwaves, I also have one on my Blog at which gives some explination and also shows music by a good friend of mine who composes Alphamusic for healing...

Love and Blessings


Mojo March 24, 2009 at 1:00 PM  

Thanks Mervyn! I enjoyed your blog post. You might also want to check out Drew hasn't posted for a while, but he has a lot of great information that he has collected from many resources.

Love, Mj xoxoxoxo


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