Friday, March 13, 2009

Medicine and Empowerment

Years ago, I was at a cross roads to either become an MD or a PhD. I loved my anatomy and physiology class where I learned about the marvelous inner workings of our human body. I went from working at a McDonalds where people would yell at me because they had no ketchup on their hamburger to working in a hospital where I would assist people in their own healing. I loved spending time with the patients.

I looked at the medical profession and could see that much of the time and energy in this system was involved with power. Many of the doctors talked about having to hire full time staff in their practice to take care of the paperwork. HMOs were coming into vogue and there was a power struggle over getting treatments authorized and monies collected. I could see the endless turnstile of appointments when I would visit my own doctor. In the hospital there were power plays, politics and personality clashes between doctors and nurses as roles were shifting and evolving.

Some doctors were very easy to work with because they would listen and hold the best interest of the patient as the highest intention. Alas, many doctors prioritized their own expert power and needs. I looked at what it would take to become a doctor - the long hours and dedication - and decided that it was not for me. I didn't trust that I could be awoken during a 24+ hour shift and have a patient's life depend upon me having the stamina and alertness to think clearly. The thought of confronting that situation simply terrified me.

While I was working in the hospital, I also developed a mysterious skin condition. I consulted several doctors who were puzzled. It was a cross between an allergic reaction to the sun and sun poisoning. The dermatologist said "Well, it's both and neither. I'm not sure how to treat this." The net result was that I had to stay out of the sun entirely. I had put dark window film on my car windows. I would drive to work in the predawn hours, and on the way home I was thankful for cloudy days. I was confined to my own home all summer. I was thoroughly depressed.

During this time, I was also doing an internship at a hospice. One of the nurses taught us guided imagery, where our patients could use a guided meditation to help alleviate their pain and suffering. This was all new to me and I decided to give it a try. In a very crude fashion, I wrote my own script and recorded it. In the script, I would walk through a forest and feel the coolness and moisture of the morning dew and the mulch below my feet. I would walk out to a beach in full sunlight, lay down on the sand and let the cool water wash over my body. I imagined that the toxins in my body were draining from my hands and my feet.

I could not face another summer confined to my home. I faithfully used this 20 minute tape every morning. Medicine had "failed me" - I sought out the experts and they could not help me. I was taking matters into my own hands. What I didn't know is that I was claiming my own power. Sure enough, after six weeks it was completely resolved. Every day I could feel my body healing. I was my own instrument of healing.

Medicine likes to use scientific methods to determine if pills and treatments are effective. This process is important to protect us from needlessly throwing away our dollars on the proverbial "snake oil". And, they continually deal with the pesky and annoying "placebo effect". Ladies and gentlemen, the placebo effect is everything. The pill gets it power from the patient's belief that it will be effective.

I recently started learning Quantum Touch which is based upon the principles of quantum physics. I also read the book "The Intention Experiment" by Lynne McTaggart and both support each other. What I love about Quantum Touch is the core tenet that the practitioner and the client are in partnership, and both play a vital role in helping the client heal him/her self. My role is to be a catalyst for their own work. It provides me a level of engagement where I feel that I can be in service. Now my interest in medicine has come full circle.

I will say that I have friends who are doctors and nurses and I get a very different feel, thank goodness. It sounds like there is a lot more openness, teamwork and collaboration. **Yay!** In fact, I first learned about Quantum Touch from Kathy, one of these nurse friends. My own doctor is very well versed in medicine, homeopathic remedies and alternative healing modalities. Health care workers are expanding their horizons and there is much more scientific evidence to show that Qigong, Reiki and other traditional energy therapies are effective and have their place in a holistic approach. Traditional medicine and other therapies are becoming more synergistic.

The final cycle is when the money starts to change direction. Suppose you went to an eye specialist to correct your vision. Would you rather pay $2000 for lasik surgery or for the eye specialist to run energy into your eyes? Which would you rather empower? What if both were equally effective in the short and long term? Chances are we would pay more for the surgery. Isn't that a bit odd?

With much love and gratitude for our ever evolving awareness, Mj XOXO


Anonymous,  March 17, 2009 at 8:12 AM  

I just found your blog and am enjoying all of the wonderful information and insights you have to offer. This post about using guided imagery to heal yourself is profound. Thank you!

Mojo March 17, 2009 at 10:47 AM  

Thank you Tamara for your wonderful comments and I look forward to seeing you again! Love, Mj


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