Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Oneness Of It All...

Today I meditated with a Dolphin meditation. The meditation encourages us to connect with the ocean and ultimately with one dolphin who takes us on a journey. We are asked to develop a question to be answered on this journey. My question was “Who am I – really?” and why am I even asking this question?

Earlier in the day, I was mulling over a tele-seminar that I was listening to on Thursday night. The speaker was teaching us how to develop a highly successful coaching business. Her advice was to “forget that spiritual and personal development stuff” during this tough economy and focus on coaching executives to get results or focus on career coaching if I am to be successful.

As I was recalling her advice this afternoon, I could feel every cell in my body screaming “NOOOOO!!!”. It was truly a visceral and whole body reaction. I have had this feeling for a few months, and today it was very present to me. It was downright uncomfortable and not fun to feel this at all.

I have been listening to Advanced Energy Anatomy by Caroline Myss and she was talking about following our intuition. At first, we are guided in a certain direction when we get an “intuition hit”, a gut feeling of which way to go. Simple examples are when we have to choose to turn right or left, and something is nudging us to turn right. Big examples are when we have an insight that is life altering, like it is time to change jobs, change life partners, move to a new city, etc..

If we ignore these intuitive insights, the next step is often that we “lose magnetics”. This means that we not only lose our attraction to something, we become repelled by it. This happened to me about 18 months ago when it was difficult for me to work on change consulting projects because I ceased to be a change consultant. The “magnetics” were repelling me, pushing me away from those activities and pushing me in a new direction. Sometimes we are fearful because we are moving away from the familiar into the unfamiliar, the unknown, out of our comfort zones. Faith that there is a bigger plan at work is required during these times.

By the way, if we continue to ignore even this, “fate” will often take over. A typical example is that we get so sick that we are knocked on our butts for a while and taken out of commission. A friend shared with me a few years ago that he got so sick with the flu that he had no choice but to lay in bed for five days. During those five days, he thought a lot about his life and came out of that experience with more clarity than he had for the last 20 years. I don’t intend to let it go this far ;-).

So I am paying attention to the “magnetics”. I trust that there is a bigger plan. I was going out to dinner with some friends and had about an hour before we were to leave. I decided to meditate, and intuitively chose the dolphin meditation. Hence, my question “Who am I? What direction am I moving in?”

I connected with the ocean and my body started to come alive. I was tingling all over as I opened myself to the energy of the ocean. I could feel the energy between and within the cells of my body. In my mind’s eye, I put out my arms as if to embrace all of it. In the meditation, dolphins approach the shore and we are asked to connect with one in particular who will be our guide. My dolphin guide was the spirit of my dog who was an old soul. We bonded in this life very closely and I started to sob deeply when I recognized him. I went to him in the water and together we melted into the ocean, the air, the sunlight from above.

My body continued to tingle and I started to fill with light. I was in the light and of the light for some time. I turned to the shore and saw the many people who I have loved and loved me. They were all in the light, too. It was a glorious experience – timeless, peaceful and without bounds. I felt the oneness of us all and I could have stayed there forever.

And my question? I occasionally conduct Reiki sessions with people and during the session I clear their chakras and bring light into their body. I do not personally feel it but they often report an experience similar to mine tonight. I feel great joy when they are able to experience this. I am a catalyst; I help others "amp up" the voltage so they can more fully experience this for themselves. My experience tonight confirms that this is my direction.

It also says for all of us that this is our true nature. What if everyone could experience this at least once in their life? What if we lived in the full awareness that this is Truth, that we are really all One?

After dinner, I watched podcasts from the Oprah network. Jill Bolte Taylor wrote the book “My Stroke of Insight” and in podcasts 3 and 4 she describes how we can live our lives with more awareness and less stress. When she lost the left side of her brain during a stroke, she describes an experience that is similar to mine tonight. There are no accidents in our life, and when we pay attention we are provided exactly what we need, when we need it. According to Caroline Myss, every prayer is answered in an instant. Tonight, my prayer was answered…

With much love and gratitude, Mj XOXO


Anonymous,  March 8, 2009 at 7:27 PM  

I had the chills reading about your experience. Having had Reiki sessions with you I understand your experience. I believe you are on the right path to your true calling, I think you are very special. Love, Gail

gbchange March 8, 2009 at 9:18 PM  

Good post. Following the messages we receive from our inner most Being is vital. Thanks!


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