Monday, April 20, 2009

Calling Back Our Spirit

As you know, I enjoy the work of Caroline Myss and they way that she explains her work. In Energy Anatomy and Sacred Contracts she talks about "calling back our spirit". According to Caroline, there are times that we send our spirit out on missions that we have no business sending them there. To reclaim our power is to call ourselves back from these missions.

  • Every time we mull over the past or fret about the future, we are losing power in that moment and sending our energy somewhere else. In the movie "Peaceful Warrior", Socrates tells Dan to throw out the trash, which he defines as "anything that keeping me from the moment here, now".
  • Every time we concern ourselves with other people's business and should be sticking to our own mastery, we are giving away our power. In the CDs "Tones that Lead to Love", Bill Reidler talks about not throwing your trash into someone else's yard.
  • Every time we fail to complete our business, we leave a conversation unfinished, a task incomplete, we leave a part of our selves in that time and place. How many times have we regretted not saying something to someone who passed away? Regrets dis-empower us.
I talked with one of my sisters over the weekend for several hours, and I loved every moment of it. We are on such parallel paths and we shared our lives, our loves, our thoughts and our hearts with each other. I asked that she rent "Peaceful Warrior" which she did. We talked later in the evening and I loved hearing her share her favorite quotes. We talked at length about the lessons in the movie and how we are applying them to our lives. I experienced a lot of joy in those hours with my sister.

We are both doing the work of claiming our spirits back.
  • She is closing the physical location of her business, and her friend suggested that she walk through one last time, through each room, collect her spirit and take her name off the door.
  • Last week my business partners and I had a phone call with a former customer with the business that we closed down, and we brought closure to one last outstanding item.
  • My sister also talked about her work as a massage therapist. Now that she is not consumed with the details of running a business, she is becoming more centered while she is in session with a client, and her power is coming back.
  • I had an argument last week that for the first time in my life I truly stood up for myself. It was not pretty and I am not proud of getting angry, but at the same time symbolically I was doing the work of many years over my lifetime in a single moment.
Spirit, welcome home....

Where are you? Here.
What time is it? Now.
What am I? This moment.

Socrates and Dan in Peaceful Warrior

For the gift that each moment brings... Love, Mj XOXO



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