The Joy of Connecting with Energy
Sunday, I conducted a video workshop with some friends who are Reiki practitioners. I have written before about Quantum Touch and how it is very complimentary to Reiki and other modalities such as Qigong, Tai Chi, etc. Four of us spent the day together and had a marvelous time. We each come from such different places in our lives and have different backgrounds. One woman is a massage therapist and Reiki Level II. The man is a black belt in martial arts and also practices Qigong in addition to Reiki Level II. Another woman is a high priestess and ritual master as well as an experienced Reiki Master. And, well, you know my story...
It gave me great joy to see all of us working together and our skills blossom! The massage therapist often sees colors and she expanded the range and diversity of colors in her sight. She also for the first time "felt guidance" in placing her hands.
In doing this work, we concentrate on getting out of the way, we empty our minds and let go of our own personal agendas so the energy can flow through us. As she was working, she felt the intuitive "nudge" to place her hands in several positions. This often happens with massage therapists and chiropractors - they just seem to "know" where to put their hands. Some of that is their expert knowledge; they observe the person moving and through experience they know what parts of the body are out of alignment. Reiki practitioners often scan the area with our hands and we can feel a shift in energy over a particular spot.
And then, there are times that we just get a "knowing" to lay our hands in a particular spot. Literally, it is as if someone is moving our hands for us. This is what she experienced for the first time. Woo hoo!
The gent in our group started to see color for the first time ever! It was helpful for him to get advice and help from the other two ladies. He was particularly in tune with the flow of energy among us as we were working. The other woman is already a very powerful healer after many years experience, and amazingly was able to amp up her energy even more. These techniques helped to ground her energy and make the spectrum more complete.
The Quantum Touch way of teaching us to "run energy" is very easy to learn and has increased our own skill and capacity. We all are aware of energy when we walk into a room, or we meet someone that we immediately connect with or immediately feel the urge to stay away from. This energy work that we are focusing on takes the same feelings and refines it even further. All of us could go out onto a field and throw a ball around to each other, yet it takes discipline, focus and dedication to take "playing catch" to an art form as a professional athlete.
As for me, I continue to build my skills through almost daily practice. I can feel my skills slowly get stronger day by day, and I am deeply appreciative of the people who help me practice. Someone asked me yesterday "Did it work?". We are taught to let the ego step aside. It is always so very tempting to want to "prove" that this works, to show evidence that a change occurred. This is a rational thought process that is ingrained in our culture. The eye cannot see all that there is to see.
We do not know the work that the person needs to do, whether it is on a mental, emotional, physical or spiritual level. The hardest part of this work is remaining unattached to the need and the outcome. A few weeks ago, I was working with someone with a headache. I felt my angel guide put her arms inside of mine and surround the person with love. In that moment, what she needed was not for the headache to go away but to feel love.
I do not "heal" anyone. I set an environment through the mastery of my own energy to assist another person to do their work. I am a guide, a partner, a channel, a catalyst for the other person's work and I set a loving intention to invite them into a deeper exploration of their own mastery. I do this as a hands on practitioner and as a coach. Every day each of us has an opportunity to be a catalyst for another and joyfully connect with their energy in a positive and affirming way. Did you see your opportunity today?
With much love and gratitude, Mj XOXO