The Essence of Our Own Medicine

Earlier this week, I attended an evening session where the concept of medicine was discussed, but in a broader way in line with ancient traditions. I attended a class on shamanism. What appeals to me about this philosophy is the rich tradition of being connected to the earth and our own inner knowing, our intuition, our guidance. Some people go to a ball game to have fun, I attend classes in shamanism. :-)
Adam the shaman at one point started talking about medicine. It is believed that medicine is the "essence" in each and every thing, every person. We all carry our own personal medicine. The signs and symbols that we receive in synchronicity with our life experience carries medicine and are unique to us. Some people carry medicine bags with objects in them that carry their medicine, and purposefully honor the symbolism of what the objects represent. Most of us have a drawer or a box that we tuck away objects that have special meaning to us, or display them on a shelf as a way of honoring the meaning that they carry.
Adam went on to describe some of the objects in his medicine bag. Many (if not all) of the objects symbolized turning points in his life and were times of great learning. He carries the object because it reminds him of what it was like to make the transition. For those of us in the helping professions, we purposefully travel our own path of self development. It is inherent in our leadership to do this, to guide by going first. "How can you ask that which you will not do?" It is also important for us to remember what it felt like "before" because it enhances our compassion for others who are on their path.
I was talking with my coach this morning and described the concept of the medicine bag. We started to talk about what objects I would put in my medicine bag to remind me of this sabbatical. I have had many wonderful turning points. Here are a few "things" that came to mind quickly:
- The book that helped me to embrace my shadow.
- The Refreshing Relationships weekend that my husband and I spent in Encinitas CA where we reaffirmed our marriage and deepened our love for each other.
- The teddy bear that I carried around for a week which helped me to open my heart even more.
- The day that I became an adept initiate in the Modern Mystery School, because on that day I was truly in the right place at the right time. There was no other place for me to be that day.
- My intuition and guidance that was with me as this process unfolded for me.
- This blog because it symbolizes my voice and my desire to share my experience with you in the hopes that it encourages you on your own journey. It is for you that I write.
And for that, I am eternally grateful. With much love and appreciation for all that life is and shall be